Join our team of Reviewers

To ensure quality of our publication and to better serve our community, we call for reviewers among scholars and experts around the world. Potential reviewers who meet the following requirements are encouraged to join in us and together, we will work hard to make this journal world-class academic enterprise.

Basic Requirements

  1. The potential reviewers must hold PhD (doctoral) degree, or be Professor of accredited academic institution;
  2. S/he must have good experience in his/ her specific research field;
  3. The research field of the applicant must conform to the scope of our journal.


The reviewer’s sole role is to critically evaluate and make concise report on the quality, relevance, and merit of submitted manuscripts.  Reviewers should consider themselves as mentors to the author(s) and reviewer’s remarks should be thorough and constructive and should be intended to enhance the quality of the manuscript.

Note, this position is not a paid position,however, an editorial review board member is entitled to publish one original paper free of cost in our journal.

Prospective reviewers are invited to download and  fill this application form: Reviewers Application form

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